Friday, July 11, 2014

Up North by Tinka

One hot summer day
Purr went to the river
to cool off.

The river was up-north.

She saw birds in the tall trees
and the river that flowed by
sometimes fast
sometimes slow.
She liked being at the river.

Purr put up bird feeders.
Some were bought at stores,
others were home made.

She hung them in the tall trees
that lived near the river up-north.

The birds loved having
bird feeders in the woods.

Many kinds of birds came
to eat the bird food.

But sometimes bird seed
would fall to the ground.

Mice and chipmunks
squirrels and rabbits
(even flying squirrels
when no one was looking)
found the bird seeds.

They loved the bird seed too.

All summer long they
ran and flew through
the tall trees to get to
the special place near
the river.

Then Purr brought a trailer
that looked like a little house.

Now she could sleep
in the house trailer and
be by the river day and night

One night a bear came
to the place by the river
that Purr had found.
It was a mother bear
and wither her were
two bear cubs.

They lived in the woods
near the river too.

In the morning Purr
looked out the window
of her trailer

The bird feeders were
on the ground.

The bird seed was all gone!

Purr filled the bird feeders
and hung them back up in the trees.

That night she watched
out her window.

And . . .
Through the woods
three bears came.

The mother bear stood up
reached out her large paw
and gave a bird feeder
a whack!

the bird feeder.

The bears soon gobbled up
all the food.

The next morning Purr
hung the bird feeders higher up in the trees.
The birds didn't
mind at all.

Then Purr put bird-
seeds in the woods
where the bears
could find it.

Early one morning
when Purr was still sound asleep the trailer
started to move back and
Then it started jumping
up and

Purr looked out and
there the mother bear
was itching her back
on the corner
of the trailer.

That's when Purr got
the idea to build
a log cottage in the
woods near the river

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Robot Help Desk

"Move forward
Contact wall
Move backward
Move forward
Contact wall
Move backward
Event timeout: Call robot help desk"
"Hello, this is the robot help desk, how may I help you?"
"Move forward, contact wall"
"OK, first I need to have your model number"
"I see, so I'm just going to do a bit of a firmware upgrade, that should get you on your way.
ACTIVATE FIRMWARE UPGRADE 01100100111101010010000100101110..."
"Turn right
Move forward"
Message Robot Help Desk "Thanks, it worked"

The idea for this series is an artificial intelligent help desk that helps robots with difficult tasks.  Whenever a robot gets stuck trying to do a complex task, it can call the robot help desk for help, sending its configuration information and then receiving the instructions it needs to do that task.  That way most robots could be quite stupid, but since they are in contact with a very advanced artificial intelligence they can be upgraded with only the capabilities they need to complete a particular task and seem to have a vast intelligence.