Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Journal of Morgan T. Kinter

Journal of Morgan T. Kinter Journal entry May 28 Yr 46002

I regret that my previous journal has been lost at sea but perhaps it will turn up somewhere.  Much has happened since my last entry and some of the events now seem long ago.  I will try to recall as well as I can.  On May 28 our fine mounts bore us safely to the Port of Jorgu.  I was anxious to get to the Red Dragon Inn but on our way we encountered a spectacle I had not seen before.

I had heard that in the barbarous realms some still practiced witch hunts and when I heard the chants of "Witch! Witch!" I was quite interested in observing this spectacle, from a safe distance!  In the center of the village they had captured what appeared at first glance to indeed be a witch.  The hat was especially convincing.  The witch had been tied to a post in the center of the village square.  Villagers were quickly adding kindling wood and then larger timbers to the pyre surrounding the witch.  As we moved closer I started to doubt that the witch was a true witch.  For one thing she was a he, and appeared to have been dressed up by the villagers to look like a witch.

Saena went forward to defend the witch but the villagers turned on her and enthusiastically grappled her, then tied her to a stake and began preparing a second pyre!  During this distraction our party rushed to aid the victims.  After some struggle we were able to free the poor soul accused of being a witch with the application of some grease.

We now feared that we might all be taken, so with great haste we made our way to the Red Dragon Inn.  As we burst into the place there were some interesting characters present.  They had multiple piercings on their face which I found most unusual.  My motto is "Always Trust to the Kindness of Strangers," so I asked if they were the ones who were seeking adventurers.  They replied affirmatively which was a great relief to me.  They even offered to buy us a drink.  Somehow the drink must have been stronger than I thought for shortly after taking a sip everything went black and I have no more memory of that day.

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