Sunday, June 2, 2013

Journal of Morgan T. Kinter

Journal of Morgan T. Kinter Journal entry May 27 Yr 46002

The day dawned with a beautiful sunrise and we were able to travel some distance when a terrible mishap occurred.  One of the excellent horses we had acquired in Orin Prime suddenly took ill and died along the trail.  The dwarf suffered an accident upon the horses passing too disgusting to relate here.

As luck would have it a passing carriage stopped to provide us aid and was kind enough to let Saena ride inside while the three of us, Belgrat, Flip-Yap and myself, were able to ride on the three remaining horses.  We finally arrived in Ortharken by sunset.  Ortharkin is  a days ride north of Orin Prime.  We still have a days ride east ahead of us tomorrow to reach the port of Jorgu.  The dwarf was able to clean himself up at the well and we spent a carefree evening in the Inn.

I have begun to be attached to the remaining horses.  I have noticed that two of the animals are more vigorous than the third.  I have decided to call one of the vigorous horses Prince and the other Charming.  The third horse has a more timid and gentle nature and often lags far behind the others.  I have decided to call her Maggie of my great aunt who had a warm heart and mild manner.  I think I feel closest to of all to this beast.

The dwarf does not seem to have much patience with Maggie and is in fact quite barbarous in his treatment of her.  I suppose this may be related to the unfortunate accident I alluded to earlier.  I pray to Om that she does well on the journey tomorrow as she seemed quite weary at the end of the ride today.

Journal of Morgan T. Kinter

Journal of Morgan T. Kinter Journal entry May 26 Yr 46002

What an adventure this has turned out to be!  This has been the most exciting day so far and although I am quite weary I still feel the distant rush of adrenaline.  Let me back up a bit.

We were able to complete a number of small tasks in Orin Prime but it turned out we were too late to catch the carriage out of town, (we probably would not have been able to afford it anyway.)  Belgrat was apparently able to get his axe polished and sharpened which had grown rusty in the storage area while he had been awaiting his trial although I am unsure why he did not sell the golden statue he carries with him.  It seems a bit bulky.  My own court appearance went well and I was able to have the two objects returned to me with the aid of Sariea.

We were able to procure four fine steeds for our journey to the Port of Jorgu but by the time we were able to bid farewell to Orin Prime it was already well into the afternoon.  We decided to make camp in the evening and assigned watches for the night.

Early into the first watch we were ambushed.  A small group of ruffians attacked our camp, not that we had much of value to steal.  Our group proved victorious in this magnificent battle.  The dwarf bravely defended the camp and after being sorely wounded slew his opponent with his mighty axe.  

Sariea proved to be the most astonishing.  After her opponent vilely attempted to molest her she was able to slay him with a single stroke with her bare hands!  Even Flip-Yap proved useful in scaring off the final ruffian with an arrow, notching the fellow in the ear as he fled.  I was prepared to do my duty if it came to that, but alas I was not required to enter the fray so handily did my companions dispose of the villains.  Perhaps I should consider arming myself with a dagger in case worse comes to worse in the future.  

We decided to move further down the road and decided to not light a fire again until morning.  Still every little sound during the night filled my mind with visions of bandits waiting to attack us.  I have the final watch until dawn which has given me enough light to make these notes.  I am weary yet still alive, thank Om.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Journal of Morgan T. Kinter

Journal of Morgan T. Kinter Journal entry May 25, Yr 46002

Have had some unexpected luck.  I was just sitting down to another meal of roasted rat when this strange creature fell out of the sky right next to me.  I believe he is called Flip-Yap.  He is an ugly creature with large ears, beady eyes, hairy face, fangs, a bit feral in appearance.  I offered him some rat and he devoured it greedily.  Apparently he is of a race known as goblins.  With him fell another of the devices that caused my accident.  He has given the device to me.  This should give me an even greater chance of making a functional device.  

At nearly the same time I encountered another companion.  A woman with the most unusual hair colour, bright pink!  She has decided to join with our little troupe and has already distinguished herself as someone of respected authority in this land.  Her name seems to be either Sanidra or Saria.

Our group spent the day exploring the wonders of Orin Prime, a marvelous city, where you never know quite what adventure awaits around the corner.  We encountered many interesting persons in this great city.  Apparently it is custom in this place for the locals to remove items from the visitors.  It is called "stealing."  In order to get the items back you must first chase them and corner them, I was quite out of breath but Saria seemed to have no trouble catching up with the thief.  She was eventually able to convince the guard to take him to court.  This was most exciting for me as I had not been to the great court before.  Unfortunately both of my devices were taken and in order to get them returned to me I will have to appear before the court and plead my case.  I have a hearing set for tomorrow.  I found the entire experience somewhat dreary after a time and will try to take care to avoid having my items stolen in the future.  I pray to Om that there are no further delays as I am a bit concerned that I will not be able to reach the Port of Jorgu by the May 32.

The case following ours was a dwarf who fell from the sky and was accused of killing a noble of the city.  The corpse showed no evidence of axe wounds but plenty of evidence of stab wounds.  Our Saria proved to be quite influential in convincing the judge that the dwarf should be released in her custody.  Unlike most dwarves he wears his beard unbraided and he also seems to have a bit of a fiery temper.  His name is Belgrat.

We spent the night at a pleasant inn and had a peaceful evening in this great city.  I hope to explore it some more tomorrow.  I was looking forward to a restful night in a comfortable bed after my long exposure under the open sky but alas the dwarf won the bed from me so I am writing these lines while curled up on the floor.  At least I finally have a roof over my head.

Journal of Morgan T. Kinter

Journal of Morgan T. Kinter Entry May 24, Yr 46002

It has been about a month since I had my accident and ended up in this strange place.  The device that was the cause of my accident unfortunately is broken beyond my ability to repair.  Perhaps if I gain sufficient skill I will be able to restore it to a functional state, if only I can understand this device it may allow me to return at some point. I have not been completely disappointed as it has always been my desire to travel and see more of the world (worlds).  I think I feel a bit like Barrion must have felt upon making his discovery.

At first I had trouble finding enough to eat but I have discovered a small animal that does not seem to know fear and are in plentiful supply.  I have been able to capture several of these creatures and prepare them as food and they provide me with a minimal sustenance that keeps me going although their flavor is rather strong and unsavory.  The locals refer to the creatures as "rats".

After wandering on the road for some time I encountered a poster.

Adventures Needed!
Hardy adventure seekers needed to help on a voyage into the unknown. Vast riches are expected, enough to set you up for life. Apply in person at the port of Jorgu at the Red Dragon Inn. Monday 32, 921. We will be there all day.

May 32?  I don't understand that.  Also the year seems incorrect.  Maybe it was an old poster?  Anyway there are rumors of a portal opening up off the Port of Jorgu and above the Island of Shield Wall.  This may be a key to finding my way back.

I am getting rather sick of eating these "rats."