Saturday, June 1, 2013

Journal of Morgan T. Kinter

Journal of Morgan T. Kinter Entry May 24, Yr 46002

It has been about a month since I had my accident and ended up in this strange place.  The device that was the cause of my accident unfortunately is broken beyond my ability to repair.  Perhaps if I gain sufficient skill I will be able to restore it to a functional state, if only I can understand this device it may allow me to return at some point. I have not been completely disappointed as it has always been my desire to travel and see more of the world (worlds).  I think I feel a bit like Barrion must have felt upon making his discovery.

At first I had trouble finding enough to eat but I have discovered a small animal that does not seem to know fear and are in plentiful supply.  I have been able to capture several of these creatures and prepare them as food and they provide me with a minimal sustenance that keeps me going although their flavor is rather strong and unsavory.  The locals refer to the creatures as "rats".

After wandering on the road for some time I encountered a poster.

Adventures Needed!
Hardy adventure seekers needed to help on a voyage into the unknown. Vast riches are expected, enough to set you up for life. Apply in person at the port of Jorgu at the Red Dragon Inn. Monday 32, 921. We will be there all day.

May 32?  I don't understand that.  Also the year seems incorrect.  Maybe it was an old poster?  Anyway there are rumors of a portal opening up off the Port of Jorgu and above the Island of Shield Wall.  This may be a key to finding my way back.

I am getting rather sick of eating these "rats."

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