Sunday, June 2, 2013

Journal of Morgan T. Kinter

Journal of Morgan T. Kinter Journal entry May 27 Yr 46002

The day dawned with a beautiful sunrise and we were able to travel some distance when a terrible mishap occurred.  One of the excellent horses we had acquired in Orin Prime suddenly took ill and died along the trail.  The dwarf suffered an accident upon the horses passing too disgusting to relate here.

As luck would have it a passing carriage stopped to provide us aid and was kind enough to let Saena ride inside while the three of us, Belgrat, Flip-Yap and myself, were able to ride on the three remaining horses.  We finally arrived in Ortharken by sunset.  Ortharkin is  a days ride north of Orin Prime.  We still have a days ride east ahead of us tomorrow to reach the port of Jorgu.  The dwarf was able to clean himself up at the well and we spent a carefree evening in the Inn.

I have begun to be attached to the remaining horses.  I have noticed that two of the animals are more vigorous than the third.  I have decided to call one of the vigorous horses Prince and the other Charming.  The third horse has a more timid and gentle nature and often lags far behind the others.  I have decided to call her Maggie of my great aunt who had a warm heart and mild manner.  I think I feel closest to of all to this beast.

The dwarf does not seem to have much patience with Maggie and is in fact quite barbarous in his treatment of her.  I suppose this may be related to the unfortunate accident I alluded to earlier.  I pray to Om that she does well on the journey tomorrow as she seemed quite weary at the end of the ride today.

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